
  1. Who Are We?
    1. We {Multi Activities Certification MACC CERT LLP} are Consultant & NCCF approved Certification Body located in Raipur Chhattisgarh. We are registered as an autonomous & independent firm under LLP Act 2008 vide Identification No.ACD-5571 dt. 20.10.2023.
  1. What do We Do ?
    1. We serve our clients by certifying their sustainable products & services. The Certification ensures quality, reduces input cost & investments, increases productivity and creates a sustainable & responsible ambience for our clients. We also provide consultancy to other clients.
  1. What Is Our Benchmark ?
    1. MACC CERT follows its Quality Program Manual (QPM). The benchmark of MACC CERT’s QPM is the “Network for Certification & Conservation of Forests (NCCF)’s Forest Management Certification Standard NCCF-STD-FM-01/2017 & its associated ISO standards”.
  1. Objectives, Vision & Mission
    1. To carry on in India or elsewhere, the business of granting Forest Management Certification to Forests, Forest Land, Trees outside Forest, trade - Industry & Agricultural Produce related to forestry, Medical Plant Produce and all other forestry produces for their Certification under Approval & Accreditation of various national and international agencies like NCCF, ISOs & NABCB etc.
    1. To provide service to conduct laboratory tests , to provide service of networking with other organisations and agencies, to provide service of collection of data base for all types of market, produce and services and to carry out all types of Certification Service for market, produce and services.
    1. To carry out all types of training and capacity building service to strictly only those not mentioned above, regarding Forestry, Agro- Forestry & Horticultural etc. to Individuals, Firms, Body Corporate, State and Central Government Agencies, Semi Government Agencies and Local Bodies etc. and to undertake such other related activities connected therewith and incidental thereto and carry on such other business or businesses.